HTMLcolor codeisacolorcode isused to createacolor onthe HTMLscripting.
HTMLcolorcodeis used todisplaycolor, line, background(background), the color ofthe letters, residentsline, colorbox, and so on.
OtherHTMLcolor code(Let Easier)Ifyouwant toemulatecolors that existinablogorwebsite, do Ijust clickand"select" the word / phraseor an object/element,and then clickthe right mouse button, select"Inspect Element". Well...willappearcolorcode. Pleasecopyand apply theminyourblog. GoodLuck!
Use the toolsof the parser/convertertoparseor convertscript orcode ofGoogle Adsense ads orChitika, orother adcodetoinsertHTMLtemplatebloggerso thatadscanappear onyourbloggerblog page.
Pastethe script codein the area ofadsense ads parser/convertertoolsabove, then click"Encode".Thenthe adsense ad codehas been inparse/convertwill perform.Then pleasecopythe ad codehas been inparsingthe HTMLand place it inyour template
1. Login to your Google Adsense account and copy the adsense code you want to parse
2. Paste the copied code into the box above.
3. Click "Encode" button to generate the parse code along with special characters with HTML entities
4. Now you're ready to put it in your xml template.
B. Adding Parsed Adsense Code To Blogger Template
1. Copy the code generated from step A.3.
2. Login to your blogger account and navigate to template tab
3. Back up your template first
3. After making a back up, click on edit html and proceed
4. Click expand widget and find (CTRL+F)this code: <data:post.body/>
5. If you want your ad to appear just below your post title and before the post body, ad the code like this:
Put Your Parsed Code Here
6. Now, if you want your ad to appear just below the body of your post, place the code like this:
ParserAdsenseini/melarikan dirialatOnlineSangat keren. Alih-alihsecara manualkodemenguraiadsenseAndadapat dengan mudahkonversi darikodehtmlke formatxml. Alat inisangat mudahdan akuratmelarikan dirialatyangkerumitanparsebebaskodehtmlapapun.Cara menggunakan?ketika Anda memasukkankodehtmlkeataskotakkodeparseakansecara otomatishanya menyalindan masa lalukode ini kepenggunaanbloggerAnda.
Parseradsenseakanmembuatgoogleadsense, chitika, infolink, adbrite, kode iklanadsforindiandikonversi kePengkodeankodeHTMLuntuk menambahkandibloggertemplateAnda. Bloggertemplatetidakmemungkinkan kodehtmlkexmltemplatesehinggaalat inisangatpenting bagi setiappenggunablogger.